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R-Rube Goldberg Machine

Rube Goldberg machine is an innovative engineering idea that does simple tasks in complicated ways.

It has a history related to a cartoonist Mr Rube Goldberg who had ideas of machines doing the daily chores of humans' like tearing the calendar date , wiping sweat and feeding for a working person in complicated and comical ways in his cartoons. This inspired many youth who started to do these machines as a hobby and named them Rube Goldberg machine .

In 1931 dictionaries adopted the word 'Rube Goldberg' as an adjective to define complicated tasks.

In 1987 Purdeu University in Indiana started the annual national Rube Goldberg machine competition. Now there are many people called Rube Goldberg experts who are good at doing these machines.
rube goldberg.comekowgo
rube goldberg eating and using a self operating napkin to wipe his mouth

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