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B-Blue Shark

Blue Shark or Prionace glauca will grow to be 12.5 feet in length. They weight a maximum of about 450 pounds. They range in color from a light blue to a deeper shade of it. They may have several shades of blue on their bodies with the darkest colors on the top.
Blue sharks , as they prefer cooler water they are often found in sub tropical areas where it doesn’t get too warm in very deep waters. You will not be able to see one unless you are diving in the depths of the ocean.

Sometimes a blue shark leaps out of the water. They enjoy doing this in order to see what types of foods are on the surface for them to dine upon. They are extremely fast swimmers and so it can be hard to track them. They swim long distances in order to follow the food sources.They don’t have any fixed habitat that they can continually return to. They are known to move thousands of miles in the water in the span of very little time.

Their favorite food is squid but it isn’t always readily available. They eat fish, mollusks, small sharks, sea birds, and even garbage they find floating around in the water.

They have been involved in numerous attacks on people and some of them have resulted in death due to the force of the jaws and teeth they are said to have.

They are near threatened animals.Millions of them are hunted each year. They are killed to use their body for various types of products. The skin of the blue shark is dried out to make leather out of. The liver is used to remove oil from. If such high numbers of them continue to be killed it won’t be long before they are endangered.
Laws may have to be passed to protect them from hunting to maintain their numbers. 

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